
I'm so bad at this. Lol. But I need to find a venue to collect my thoughts, dump them, and then review and analyze. Also just found out that my husband writes a blog too (there's like three post in there but still) so I think it'll be nice for us to read through each others' post. Maybe? Lol. This was supposed to be a potential money-tizing blog but ah well.  Just found out that a co-worker of mine who has a 8 month old baby boy is pregnant again with her second one and is due 7/1/2022. That means she was pregnant I guess when her boy was 4-5 months?  How do people do it? Also, my obgyn technically told us that its better for your body if you wait till at least 18 months postpartum. I mean I have heard that you're especially fertile immediately after you give birth which I'm not sure why. And hearing how so many people around me are pregnant is bringing huge thoughts of insecurities in me. Will it happen to us? Are we stuck with one and that's it? Though aft
  Being a mother has completely changed my perspective in life. I arrogantly and naively thought that I could still  feel and think the same once this new person came into our lives, that I'll be able to "have it all" but nope. Sounds cliche I know and there's so many literature out there detailing the changes a parent experiences both mentally and emotionally once a child enters a person's life but boy.. was I in for a surprise. Granted it wasn't anything ground breaking or earth shattering to say the least. It is more like a second to second, minute to minute change that one feels as they go on with their daily responsibilities and life. Before we had our daughter, I thought that mothers who gave up their careers to be a stay-at-home moms were weak (see where that got me lol). I thought I was going to be able to drop my baby at day care at 6 months, which I thought was obviously wayy better than 3 months, and bounce back to work immediately. Of course I knew