
Showing posts from December, 2021
  Being a mother has completely changed my perspective in life. I arrogantly and naively thought that I could still  feel and think the same once this new person came into our lives, that I'll be able to "have it all" but nope. Sounds cliche I know and there's so many literature out there detailing the changes a parent experiences both mentally and emotionally once a child enters a person's life but boy.. was I in for a surprise. Granted it wasn't anything ground breaking or earth shattering to say the least. It is more like a second to second, minute to minute change that one feels as they go on with their daily responsibilities and life. Before we had our daughter, I thought that mothers who gave up their careers to be a stay-at-home moms were weak (see where that got me lol). I thought I was going to be able to drop my baby at day care at 6 months, which I thought was obviously wayy better than 3 months, and bounce back to work immediately. Of course I knew